
WhaT DO you DO oUTsiDE oF wORK? tell ME SOmETHiNg INtereStInG, PreFerABLY noT RelaTED To yOUR joB Or iNdUStry.

You think I have "time" outside of work? I fucking huff copium like every other fucking wageslave, and we ain't fucking friends so I'm not going to divulge the exact types and flavors of choice for me to be judged.

I don't have the time, money or energy to fucking have some respectable instagrammable hobbies for your stupid like about wanting well rounded people.

We both know all you need from me is to not be an asshole.

At a certain point it feels like the industry is going to compete with girls for shit-testing people except we have whiteboarding leetcode as well.

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    Fuck this question and fuck anyone who asks you what you do outside work.
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    I had that question this morning. Should’ve answered I like to post on devrant and stroke my weiner
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    But I guess you’re supposed to lie and say you like to go hiking, do yoga, and volunteer as a girls soccer coach
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    Ahhh culture fit questions.

    These are designed to see if you're going to be an ass or not, and if you answer like this you go in the asshole column and don't get hired.

    It's also a good indicator for you. If they ask these questions, and it bothers you and you have to hide that, that's what work is going to be like; gritting through your teeth all day to fake happiness.
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    @aviophille yes, that sums it up nicely.
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    judgy ass questions
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    If it's corporation they might be looking to sell thier logo with your pictures and free time activity.

    They will call it integration time and part of company culture but I call it unpaid overtime.
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