
Six weeks without nicotine

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    Getting there with ya - a couple more weeks until I’m off of it. Gonna go for coffee next (when ur off both it’s an amazing feeling)
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    @shovethisrant oh, I also quit caffeine as well, the same day
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    Me also wanna leave
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    congratulations! What is going through your mind when you stand next to smokers?
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    I thought that you mentioned that you have no intention to quit smoking a while ago. Still vaping? My vape sucks 😕 There are so many bad devices on the market. I tried around 20
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    @retoor Apparently you can't trust them word for word. Who would've thought?
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    @retoor nothing in my lungs but air, no nic or caffeine in my system

    yeah, I thought that too, but that was just a pathetic justification for an addiction
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    I quit almost 5 yrs ago. It takes 18months to confidently say you are a non smoker. Each day you realise how shite it is and how pathetic it is to smoke. Keep it up the rewards are far greater than the pain you are going through right now.
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    @helloworld I quit cold turkey without planning ahead because of a drastic personality change. Although I don't know which force was more significant in enabling this change — bipolar disorder or my own reasoning — I still own said change and can explain it.

    I just woke up the next day without any urge to smoke/vape whatsoever. It was as if the addiction just vanished.
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