Facebook Messenger's latest update wanted to do something with my Google Drive, and I got a prompt asking "Do you trust Facebook?"

Unfortunately, there was no option to say I trust Hitler with the Tsar Bomb more than I trust Facebook and Google talking to each other.

  • 4
    The choices:

    1. Make a deal with the devil now.

    2. Not now (reminder once per week).
  • 0
    @aviophille Can't. There are a few booty calls there I can summon, like Naruto would with toads 😉

    BTW, why is your username aviophille? You a pilot?
  • 0
    @aviophille In that case, maybe you or your GF would be interested in testing my Android app (sales pitch 😆)
  • 1
    @aviophille It's a watch app. I'm stuck at publishing it because Google has changed the rules in November for individual developers, meaning I need 20 testers before I can go live. Funnily enough, they don't need to install the app it seems. As long as they accept the invite to test the app, they are counted.

    Since it's "closed testing", you need to join a Google Group first, and then accept the invite to test. So far, I've found 18 testers.

    App video (slightly older version):




    Test invitation:


    If you and/or your GF own a Wear OS (read Android) watch and wanted to try the app, don't purchase it. Let me know and I'll generate a promo code.
  • 1
    @FuckJava I don't think penguins can wear smart watches
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