
I just wanna find docs

I search for my problem

why the hell are there 300 links to random people with outdated methods trying to tell you how to do something

I just want the man pages, ffs

I blame @SidTheITGuy saying we are all sitting on gold mines of information and should really become YouTube celebrities dispensing such knowledge

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    The man pages for Shopify don't exist
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    Please post the answer on devRant when you fixed it.

    Thanks in advance.
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    @jestdotty you can just do const f = require('f.json') I think
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    @jestdotty import f from './f.json'
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    @jestdotty Oh, I remember dealing with that exact situation about a year ago. Sadly I don't remember how I ended up doing it.
    But I remember it was some bullshit solution.
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    @localpost Well it's fair to assume she can't use readFileSync for some reason, Otherwise there wouldn't be a question...
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    Yes, you ARE all sitting on gold mines of information. Especially @retoor.

    But I never said anything about becoming a celebrity. You help people and expect nothing in return. If the world decides to reward you, then alright otherwise expect nothing.

    And wtf is a man page anyway? Sounds sexist lol.
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    A lot of people, who don’t consider a lot of their consequences, deem “information” as a synonym for “marketing opportunity”
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