
OK, lets again talk about net neutrallity
The FCC said they dont give a shit about the people and will not listen to them.
OK. Got it?
So, what now?
Write your ISPs about the Problem! Thats literally the only thing I can Imagine to do! But honestly, I think its still useless... It still wont help... Were all doomed

  • 3
    If net neutrality was taken away it would cause tremendous damage to the economy, since a lot of businesses will just straight up move to Europe.
  • 3
    The VPN market would explode
  • 2
    @Linux Could a VPN completely mitigate the efforts of the ISP to control you?
  • 2
    Better Make a VPN and sell it REALLY CHEAP.
  • 2
    Technically - yes
  • 0
    @maxsers Personally, I think Silicon Valley would be better off more dispersed in other countries. Dealing with US shenanigans every 5 minutes just detriments everyone else.
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