Taking a for-giggles training on reverse engineering... It's theory. Basic level theory. Posted 6 months ago.

"someone might want to reverse engineer Microsoft Word in order to change its code so that it could be run on a Mac."

Are we ignoring how old Word has had Mac support????

Or "To prevent circumvention, some programs require as part of the terms of use that you do not attempt to reverse engineer their code." like this will stop someone who wants to circumvent having to pay from acting illegally, because we all totally read EULAs and T&Cs...


  • 3
    word isn't on mac? but doesn't it have an ios app?
  • 3
    I use MS Word in Mac.
  • 5
    Let's reverse engineer Facebook... But for birds
  • 4
    Haha damn i don't take those kinds of courses cause they tend to piss me off. But yeah like anybody gives a damn hell i reversed engineered the puppet server about two months ago cause i wanted to make a service for quick provisioning of workstations using dotfiles. I'm rewriting it into a library where others can make their own
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