
What are you coding right now?

  • 10
    I'm implementing my PO's hopes and dreams.
  • 6
    nothing, procrastinating writing documentation
  • 3
    Leetcode BST problems… graphs after this.
    The other day I ran into a problem that was solved by a trivia algorithm from decades ago. It was both interesting and depressing.
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    Learning css right now
  • 2
    make an newly built webbie (last year) responsive........... fucking noobs didnt do it right from the beginning
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    a trading bot in node.js to trade major pairs....

    Stuck with things...
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    a bullcrap feature in nextjs project
  • 8
    n-nothing im on devrant
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    Device control plane for network equipment. Automates some of the ops work to make life a little better.
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    Right now, troubleshooting our alerting system. System receives X number of errors (from Splunk), if the number is above a pre-defined threshold, call the tech on-call. Simple, right? Problem, system has 'Bob' as the on-call tech, but it called 'Sam' and his phone number is nowhere. Multiple attempts/permutations to reproduce the issue, the system always calls 'Bob'.
  • 1
    @PaperTrail sounds like you have got some sleepless nights ahead
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    @PaperTrail does bob have call redirection to sam by any chance? Maybe check his voip phone.
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    @PaperTrail poor Bob. He always gets the blame for everything
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    @black-kite poor little bpbby tables
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    @melezorus34 > "bob have call redirection"

    No, I log who the system called, and it called 'Sam'. When you look in the database, it has Bob's number.

    Sam could have pulled a switch-a-roo (updated the DB after the fact) and blamed my code for calling the wrong #, that would be a stretch.
  • 2
    trying to make a game engine on top of bevy in rust so I can reuse it for pumping out some arcade games in rapid succession later

    also thinking about rewriting my music library from js into rust. I reread my docs yesterday and had some redesign thoughts. turns out web audio API was mirrored by someone in rust but you can't compile it to web yet (so I can't use it in bevy yet for example -- in js I made a game and it was using my music library for in-game effects). the problem with generating music programmatically in the web browser is sometimes it lags -- so rust should fix that problem. browser audio timing awkward.
    kind of excited for it. I don't think you have any easy tools to edit such small things in song, and most music these days is just samples and effects on top of it. I wanna make more classical-like music and think there's tons of low level stuff people have missed.

    but I'm all sick and my brain sucks. so I'm mostly procrastinating waiting for it to work normally.
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    @PaperTrail that's why I'm saying is there a call REDIRECTion

    Much like how our numbers get called and after certain time they will get REDIRECTED to voicemail.
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    hell no
  • 0
  • 4
    @melezorus34 > "why I'm saying is there a call REDIRECTion"

    I know what you're saying, we're way too busy to deal with that sort of configuration.

    I'm on the side of the fence of "If I can't reproduce it, I can't fix it". Chuck it up to gremlins and move on. If it happens again, gather as many facts as I can, investigate and deal with it then.

    My boss on the other had wants to make massive changes to the application just to see if the service somehow cached "something".

    3 weeks later, 100% guarantee if it a Nomad/container+caching 'thing'.

    Me: "OK, now what? How do we fix it?"

    Him: "We can't, but at least we know. Revert all the changes."
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    @PaperTrail Oh man, how often does this happen?
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    @ars1 a trivia algorithm? What is that?
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    @erinpratt > "Oh man, how often does this happen?"

    Alerting errors or upper mgmt only caring about new projects?

    Alerting errors? Rare. Rare enough that all the dev mgrs are now the only ones 'on call'. I'd like to take credit for the expressive logging framework and ability to diagnose the problem instead of guessing at solutions.

    Upper mgmt only caring about new projects? As long as I've been here. Not symptom of this company, I'll put money down the majority of companies put time+money+effort+recognition in the shiny new toys, not keeping existing system's maintained.
  • 3
    @gitstashio A problem whose optimal solution can only be done through some specific algorithm that exploits the data itself, and you have almost no chance of figuring out on your own. At least not in a reasonable amount of time. You either know the algorithm or you don’t. The one I am talking about was a very simple problem that you can solve with basic knowledge, but the optimal solution uses the Boyer-Moore majority vote algorithm.

    That’s why I call it trivia algorithm.
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