
The Power of Autocorrect

Writing an important update email to a very strict senior manager named Denis, with whom the previous encounters were also uncomfortable.

About to click send, but thought to read it once.
Imagine what autocorrect did...

D became P

I conclude it was a lucky day.

  • 22
    Are you sure the P was autocorrected and not made by your subconsciousness? :P
  • 15
    Palms are sweaty
    knees weak arms are heavy
  • 13
    Doesn't auto correct use the most used word when it "auto correct" 🤔🤔🤔
  • 2
    @gitpush it does. 😳
  • 1
    @dontPanic ah nice to meet you another Eminem fan 🖐️
  • 4
    You had my ++ at D becomes P
  • 1
    @404response I am 200% sure. And since I already had tough time with that manager, I was even more focused while writing the email.
  • 1
    @gitpush It was outlook. And the name wasn't added to the dictionary.
  • 1
    @github but you did typed denis-with-p a few time on your phone before. Right? 🤣
  • 1
    @mrlinnth no. I was using laptop. And I pray to God that this was the first time such thing happened and I captured it before a disaster.
  • 1
    @github guess Microsoft is being a bad ass :P
    Good think you were able to see this before sending that email lol
  • 1
    @mrlinnth it is the case on my phone don't know about his case lol
  • 2
    We have this slang in our country at the end of the message we write "set" just like we write "cheers". Auto-correct changes "set" to "sex" many times. Just recently I have stopped using mobile to send emails. Just to be safe.
  • 1
    @error503 haha.. sex.. oops sorry. Set.
    Though, isn't set a correct word and should not be autocorrected to sex.
  • 1
    @github Yes, It shouldn't. I don't know what the fuck is wrong.
  • 1
    @error503 well. In that case, be cautious.
    Btw, which language are you referring that uses "set"?
  • 1
  • 1
    @error503 oh. Didn't know about it.
    Set for learning a new slang.
  • 1
    @error503 I think @github was trying to ask which country language not the literal input language type 🤔
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