
A chick asked how much I earn, and I politely declined to answer.

She seemed annoyed and insisted, nudging me by saying how much she earns.

Again I told her I'd rather not say.

She got mad, started trying to emotionally blackmail me into telling her my salary...

This must be a red flag cuz I don't give two fucks about how much money people I date earn/have and expect them to either respect or share my view

  • 14
    People with low income jobs with default salaries tend to share what they make. For us - where the difference is often two times from the guy next to you - not so much.

    I would've responded with "enough"
  • 8
    People are weird.

    Some people are primed with life experience that makes them wary of people who don’t talk openly about salary because they’re experienced with people who don’t actually work and who expect others to support them.

    Some other people are primed with life experience that makes them wary of people who are so interested in salary because they’re experienced with people who want to use them as a personal bank.

    For the first several years of my marriage, I was making 35k a year or less and he was working as a software engineer and making a hell of a lot more. It’s awkward on both sides of that pay disparity.
  • 4
    My hot blonde gf always asks how much i earn but i wont tell her
  • 3
    @retoor i earn $8 an hour and i wont tell my hot blonde gf so ur imaginary rule isnt true
  • 2
    @b2plane according to me, the gut next to you makes € 16,- but doesn't speak about it. Even worse, he's always high at work and never on time
  • 3
    just counter with "you first"
  • 9
    I've had dudes bring up how they're rich and then say they will refuse to date any girl who is into money in the same sentence and I'm going ??? why are you insulting me already

    that date was so damned bad

    and also another guy who told everyone how rich he was but kept giving them a different salary amount, and I had to watch him nitpick money on like 10$ meals while he rented out sports cars

    people are insane

    if someone cares about money sounds like a pass. if they find anyone who makes more you'll be out anyway, and they sound insufferable to hang out with
  • 4
    @jestdotty not caring about money normally means you have it already
  • 6
    i've also had dudes use me for money

    and I made less money than they did

    but that didn't matter

    because I was actually responsible with mine and they weren't with theirs. so that meant they were owed money from me.

    it's gross.

    what's worse is they'll retroactively make this up, too. like one guy said he'd pay for the rent, then years later decided I owe him 60k for rent. gross. with what money? I had quit my job for him to have his.
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