
To all Linux Wizards out there:

You should create an alias to your package manager called 'installman' to praise the grand master.

  • 2
    Peace be upon him
  • 5
    I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as a Linux wizard, is in fact, a GNU/Linux wizard, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, a GNU plus Linux wizard.
  • 3
    @timourf I personally wouldnt Even add the Linux part on it since Its painfully obvious for a while that Richard and Linus for a while have been in some rather bad terms
  • 1
    @timourf yeah, right. It's a bad habit of mine :/
  • 1
    I have pacaur aliased to "y"
    Why "y"? Because I used to use yaourt.
  • 0
    @Sayaka well, that sounds legit :D Been there too :S
  • 4
    Linux wizards. Can we just call them. Lizards?
  • 2
    Hahahah my shutdown is "stfu" @teganburns
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