
The best type of client

  • 0
    What app is this? Or is it an internal app?
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    @localjoost it's upwork, the best freelancing app in my opinion 😊
  • 0
    That looks very cool. Thinking about getting started with this, thanks!
  • 1
    @localjoost you definitely should, you can hone your programming skills ang get money for it. And if you're lucky you'll sometimes find a guy asking you to solve his c++ homework for 50$ 😂😂
  • 0
    Wow, easy money 😂
  • 2
    @localjoost read my profile to get some easier start into upwork and what to look out for, I addressed it many times, might one day write up a blog about it and link it to everyone who joins to upwork, but for now I would highly recommend to check out the comments/rant I have about it, so you dont dive into cement first.
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    @JoshBent @JohnCdf thanks both!
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    @localjoost not that easy.. you may have rough time getting your first job trust me :-)
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    @localjoost please really check my rant before even considering ANYTHING else than upwork, freelancer.com is another suggestion that somebody can give you only if he wants you dead.
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    @JoshBent @omom guys guys, I'm really busy with this internship right now so I'm not concidering to start using upwork, yet. I just like to explore and read stories about these platforms. But I really appreciate the warnings you give me!
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    @localjoost literally get a tattoo now saying "I will never use freelancer.com, I will never use fiverr, .." so when you actually do start, its burned into your skin, trust me, you dont want to go through that messed up piece of shit "competition".
  • 1
    @JoshBent hahaha great, I'll remember it
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