
Fucking LinkedIn.

I created a new account with my main e-mail, and suddenly it was restricted. I sent an ID verification, I received an e-mail saying it was now back, but then it was fucking restricted again, and I CANNOT HAVE IT BACK BECAUSE THE TO GET HELP FROM THEM IS A HASSLE. Sometimes it asks me for a phone number, but then, and error appears saying the session is invalid.

I created a support ticket, their response takes hours with a new link to verify again, but when I send again a new ID, for some reason, my verifications do not reach them, and they send the same link again. FUCK'S SAKE.

Finally, I subscribed to Premium just to talk to someone, but they can't help with this matter. At least left a note to Jenny.

Why the hell is a newly created account being restricted? Fix your systems.

  • 4
    all I'm seeing is by being broken they're getting people's personal info and even money! 🤑
  • 2
    @jestdotty this!

    @kernel why even bother with LinkedIn? Imho it is less hassle, cheaper and more ease of mind to just run your own website with whatever you want in it.
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