
Kay! Why people think remote job is less then a onsite job? Excuse me? I also work remotely. Okay I get it that onsite you have to go onsite through bus or blah blah , but your hours are not counting by a tracker and not getting SS every 2 min. My family doesn't understand that I have to be on my laptop for at least 7-8 hours.

Their reaction is :" why the food is not ready?"
" I am doing work"
"So what? You are home!"


  • 6
    You might want to reply with

    "what part of 'I am doing work' do you not understand? Make your own damn sandwich!"
  • 1
    pass --ignore-platform-reqs flag with composer update. It will be much faster*

    *Terms and conditions apply
  • 2
    Yeah, the hardest part od WfH is explaining to others I do actual work and need to be ready if something happens even if I have some time off :D
  • 0
    @NeatNerdPrime he's a doctor! There's always a little emotional blackmail thingy such as , I was running after patient in emergency room all day
  • 1
    @SidTheITGuy oh thanks! That's helpful
  • 0
    @Hazarth true that! (Only time off for myself:>)
  • 3
    maybe you should fire your family idk

    I guess that's why some people hate working from home. that's wild to me. if they can't obey a simple ask, I'd be looking for a new family that can manage a modicum of respect for me

    anytime I'd date dudes and they'd make decisions for me that was a quick red flag and no. these people are literally disrespecting your boundaries, think you do nothing all day, disrespect your independence, work, skills. wtf? I'd be livid. there would be hell to pay.

    if you step away from your job for a moment to help somebody at home they should be grateful. they ain't paying you. you're just doing that out of the good graces of your heart. that shit ain't limitless. be grateful or eat shit.
  • 1
    What trackers lol ? Just install <Self censored> app and it will show you active 100% of the time.

    I work remote 100%. Sometimnes I'll take a full day of doing nothing 9Except responding to emails / messages etc)

    And some days i'll be motivated and work until 1 am.

    Average on a week I do MORE than onsite.

    Trackers are evil !!! Combat them !
  • 0
    @NoToJavaScript we use webwork time tracker. It take SS after some minutes. Also HR was like we will see randomly SS to know if you are working.
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