
Ok I suck at coding but I really want to make a game. So I am dreaming of the day ai code assistants will just do my bidding and I think today was the day it started at least I hope so. As a noob coder guy I’m not sure if it will work but here’s to hoping.

  • 8
    Why wait for AI when you can learn now?

  • 4
    So you will wait for the next 20 years instead of learning how to make a game?

    That's not how you make anything man.
  • 2
    @C0D4 maybe not unity but unreal engine 5 or godot, but yeah.. same energy
  • 0
    Ok, well programmers don’t learn how to create art, they just purchase art or music bundles. So why don’t they learn how to draw or create music? I find that part easy. What’s the difference.
  • 1
    @fatfred nobody is expecting you to be good at everything. And programmers are, well good at programming..

    if you can do your own art, great, if you don't, that's fine too. Nobody is expecting you to create a game from scratch, including all the assets.

    As the person who designes a game, it's your goal to make it fun, not to make it yourself.
  • 1
    i for my part can create most of my stuff, including images, animations, 3D Models, Materials, Music, SFX, etc. myself.

    But i choose not to, because it distracts me from actually making a game. That's a hard lesson i learned over the years.
  • 1
    the best thing you can do is to write down your idea, and see, if it even makes sense, when explained to others. When you think you have something, then start to think about what artstyle, sound design, level design etc. to use.
    And after that you actually start gathering the resources, getting people on board and actually choosing the tech to do so.
  • 0
    @thebiochemic the coding is the part I hate the most.
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