Since I can't make many posts, I'll try squeeze them all in one:

1. Phone recruitment interview went "well", I even spoke french at some point! 😃
I have to brush up my knowledge again for the technical test (I hate them). Somehow I got excited, which I shouldn't, but only time will tell...

2. My brain is stuck with opening a Twitter account, mainly for following people/companies news. I don't know if it's worth it, so I would your feedback on this.

3. I've finally come down to listening to synthwave while coding and I was wondering if there's any good free service (I'm still poor, so I don't want neither Deezer nor Spotify), preferably with a UWP app on Windows 10 (that is not Soundcloud).

  • 2
    Make twitter account for sure...
  • 3
    Spotify is free though, and you only get an ad every 30mins which is less than public radio..
  • 3
    @Cyanite Oh, that's nice! On Deezer it was more often, plus their app was lacking the usability their website has.
  • 2
    @Qaldim you would think that would be a less common occurrence
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