What my classmates ask me everytime i open my Laptop (it's running Debian)

"That's a cool theme you got there, can i have a copy?"

"Which windows version are you using?"

"oh wow, you made it look like an apple desktop"

I get head aches everytime..

  • 11
    i told them that, now they wanna copy an .iso of it and install it as their MAIN OS. To feel "Updated".
  • 12
    "How come my '.exes' dont work anymore?" @Alice
  • 19
    they needed my help installing a program

    like the install wizard scares them. like they'd fuck something up

    Cant they read? or google?

    God i wonder what a terminal does to them. @Alice
  • 13
    Same for me only when I open my windows 7 laptop in class everyone asks which Linux distro I use...
  • 3
    @NullnVoid yet they fuck things up somehow. Weird.
  • 1
    @Lahsen2016 @cyberlord64 me too
  • 2
    @NullnVoid terminal = mad hax0r
  • 4
    The funny part is: they want Linux because of how it looks...

  • 2
    I use a Windows 3.1 theme on my work laptop :)
  • 2
    @Lahsen2016 @DjSall Just the usual jazz. Rainmeter, Rocket dock, CustomizerGod, Launchy and Cmder with Unix commands, and a stock Linux wallpaper.
  • 2
    There was a love story of Debbie and Ian...
  • 0
    It's amazing people can still be so technologically illiterate in 201...8 now wow...

    I live for the moment when it all goes to shit and I can stand on a rooftop watching it all burn with a beer in my hand and a smile on my face :)

  • 0
  • 0
    You’re lucky, you don’t have to use broken school computers
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