
As I've said before.

If it's not deadly, just get the "decease" and cure it with your own Immune system.

Starting to mandate two vaccinations for "Measles" is Covid 2.0.

Fuck off with that shit.

Your Immune system is powerful. Exercise, sleep and eat healthy and it will stay strong. Don't permanently fuck up your Immune system with population reduction jabs.

Don't blindly obey. Government does not give a single fuck about you.

  • 3
    I'm here before OP loses his mind and starts kicking pigeons in his local area
  • -1
    @SidTheITGuy Haven't seen a pigeon for 5 years. Dumb fucking animal, which reminds me of fag tosensei.
  • 7
    Measles can cause permanent disabilities in children even if they survive. Vaccines prevents that.

    Before vaccines measles was one of the most common causes if disabilities.

    Refusing vaccines is child cruelty.
  • -1

    Vaccine was vaccine before Covid-19.

    Things have changed. Vaccine causing autism, disability and death to children and newborns drastically outnumber "Measles" damage. Any mention to vaccination injury is under-reported, covered up, censored and removed. They call you "crazy", "conspiracy theorist", "anti-vaxxer" just for mentioning their healthy newborn dying because of Covid vaccine.

    You can't put alcohol in a cylinder and call it water because that's your agenda and then calling the victim crazy when they're screaming it's alcohol after injection.
  • -1

    Measles vaccine works and worked well. Why did they create a new one and you're required to receive it twice as an adult when you're already vaccinated as a baby?
  • 2
    @Voxera vaccine manufacturers wait for everyone to already get immune to the disease before releasing the vaccine (historically speaking.. was both surprising and somehow not surprising at the same time-- if your management could get away with it, wouldnt they?)

    also measles vaccine in particular harmed a lot of kids. I dont remember how, maybe it was an actually proven and admitted to cause of autism lol

    there's a whole website of doctors for ethics where tons of doctors keep ad nauseam re-iterating how your immune system is best trained

    there's so many small things that are wrong with it but I'm sure I already lost the plot so I'm gonna just avoid it

    and also if vaccines are so good everyone should be on their 8th booster shot now, which clearly then you're not doing because the rate of intake has dropped

    also so has a major journal in pointing out the damage of the vaccines by number of doses... but it'll get worse later, I think those guys are playing a spy game to get data...
  • 1
    @kanyewest I had three friend die from covid.

    And so far, despite the massive vaccination not a single one have dies from the vaccine.

    So I am all fore vaccines, they save dar more lives than they harm.
  • 0
    If vaccine works, then should have worked on the first intake. Not 4th or 5th. Otherwise, don't call that shit "vaccine". Actual vaccine prevents deceases, not causes damage then you get the decease anyway.
  • -1

    > I had three friend die from covid.

    Ask their families this, were they vaccinated?

    Of course they were. So change it to:

    I had three friend die from covid vaccine*.

    > And so far, despite the massive vaccination not a single one have dies from the vaccine.

    Wow, false. Speaking out of our arse, now, are we?

    > So I am all fore vaccines, they save dar more lives than they harm.

    Yeah, you do you. Natural selection I suppose.

    I haven't received a single dose, in perfect health. I've been in contact with people who got "covid", but I never got it. Funny, people only "got" it after "vaccine". So, I'll trust real life and my own experience, rather than your repeated false justifications.
  • 2
    @kanyewest you not only don't know how medicinal science works, but you persist on being a rambling fool.
    I pity you in your willful ignorance while the world moves on and gets better off.

    @voxera don't feed the trolls.
  • 0

    So according to you, medical science works so fast that a new viral virus comes out and we create vaccine for it under a year?

    Or you're trying to cope after getting rekt by jabs? Lol.

    Classic EU tard.
  • 0
    @kanyewest being someone that worked very closely to combatting the pandemic my country there was a historical monumental effort done on a global scale in regards to collaboration and resource allocation. Many scientists across the globe simply worked day in day out without stopping while you were jerking off in your home and received government gibs.

    It's not because YOU did not see it, that it did not happen.
    You are not the center of the universe nor the source of pure existentialism.
  • 0
    @NeatNerdPrime stfu shill faggot
  • 1
    @kanyewest no they where not vaccinated since the vaccines had not started to be distributed yet.
  • 1
    @kanyewest If had kept up on the subject you would have known that yes, the new mra vaccines CAN be tailored for a new virus in a matter of weeks, and the underlying breakthrough is not actually new, they have been working on the technology for over 15 years but since classical vaccines have been good enough no one wanted to spend the millions it would cost to actually start manufacturing using the new tech.

    Then came covid, a new virus where we had no working vaccine to manufacture and the scientists behind the mra tech managed to probe that their tech could produce a working vaccine in just 6 weeks, it was still not approved so it went through months of testing and they had to build the manufacturing facilities to mass production and then they started vaccinating people which is why it took 8 months before it became readily available.

    Next time a completely new virus shows up they might start distributing a vaccine within just a few months before it gains global spread and most of the world might even not have to vaccinate since it gets stopped in time.

    If you are going to criticize science you really should make sure to read up on both sides of the story because you ignorance shows that you only consume the news that feeds you misconceptions.
  • 0
    Some further numbers for thought

    Its estimated that about 700 million people got covid, and 7 million of them died from covid, that is 1 %.

    Around 7 billion people receive at least one dose of covid vaccine. While I did not find any global numbers, for EU they list around 11 000 cases where complications around the time of vaccination caused death but its not clear if the complication are directly related to the vaccine.

    But if we assume it is and extrapolate from that we are looking at maybe a few hundred thousand deaths.

    That would mean less than 0.05% risk of dying from the vaccine.

    So 1% risk vs 0.05% risk.

    I would go for the second every time.
  • 0
    @jestdotty It's SO HARD to find these sites, isn't it? It's almost as if It's hidden or removed by the gatekeepers of the Internet.
  • 0
    Your username and using the word 'fag' tells me you have anger issues beyond my help. I just hope you don't have too many illegitimate children, but somehow I think that's hoping for too much. I look foward to your pissing into the wind comment to my comment, seeing as you enjoy watching other more intelligent people comment on your shit slurry of words...
  • 0
    @bols59 You overestimate the Intelligence on this platform, my friend.
  • 0
    getting your face smashed in with a shovel isn't deadly, so maybe get that first before spouting more bullshit?
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