
I've been testing out elementary OS for a week now... And I honestly kinda love it!

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    @Tahaga, which computer setup?
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    @devrevr installed it on my older laptip I didn't use anymore, I haven't it next to me now but it has an older i5 proc, a NVIDIA GeForce 920m and 6gigs of RAM
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    i revived a piece of shit windows 8 asus laptop with elementary. it works like a dream, piece if piss to install. would highly recommend. also great for non techies as its so easy to use.
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    @Tahaga with debian (with/ X) would be an awesome server (for tests maybe?) 😜 but elementary os is also nice ;)
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    @devrevr true! I should give it a try one day
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    I've been using it as my main distro for about a year and a half now, I love it 😍
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    You'll soon revert to something else. Elementary is nice but there are too many things missing and you'll feel some frustration after a while of using it as your main distribution.
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    Your wallpaper looks like a dude head from a quick glance.
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