Dev: linters can help us by keeping us focused on important problems.

124:5 ✖ Expected indentation of 2 spaces indentation
150:5 ✖ Expected indentation of 2 spaces indentation
151:5 ✖ Expected indentation of 2 spaces indentation
152:5 ✖ Expected indentation of 2 spaces indentation
153:5 ✖ Expected indentation of 2 spaces indentation
154:5 ✖ Expected indentation of 2 spaces indentation
155:5 ✖ Expected indentation of 2 spaces indentation
156:5 ✖ Expected indentation of 2 spaces indentation
157:5 ✖ Expected indentation of 2 spaces indentation
158:5 ✖ Expected indentation of 2 spaces indentation
159:5 ✖ Expected indentation of 2 spaces indentation
160:5 ✖ Expected indentation of 2 spaces indentation
161:5 ✖ Expected indentation of 2 spaces indentation
162:5 ✖ Expected indentation of 2 spaces indentation
163:5 ✖ Expected indentation of 2 spaces indentation
164:5 ✖ Expected indentation of 2 spaces indentation
165:5 ✖ Expected indentation of 2 spaces indentation
166:5 ✖ Expected indentation of 2 spaces indentation
167:5 ✖ Expected indentation of 2 spaces indentation
168:5 ✖ Expected indentation of 2 spaces indentation
169:5 ✖ Expected indentation of 2 spaces indentation
170:5 ✖ Expected indentation of 2 spaces indentation
171:5 ✖ Expected indentation of 2 spaces indentation
172:5 ✖ Expected indentation of 2 spaces indentation
174:5 ✖ Expected indentation of 2 spaces indentation
175:3 ✖ Expected indentation of 0 spaces indentation

50 problems (50 errors, 0 warnings)

  • 2
    Deshalb hob ich die Dinger rausgeschmissen...
  • 2
    probably one of those opinionated rules that will be removed when I manage to upgrade my tools
  • 8
    We've stopped using SonarQube to score our apps due to the over-opinionated flags. We spent way too much time going thru their rules and nixing the nonsense no one cared about.
  • 2
    that IS a very serious issue...

    the only acceptable way to indent is by using tabs.
  • 4
    So you rather waste hours manually formatting inconsistently than configure your editor correctly *once* in like 10s?
  • 1
    I expect my editor to apply .editorconfig consistently while editing, but it doesn't. Maybe I also forgot to configure .editorconfig properly for this project, so I will have to check.
  • 2
    I get the point

    Unless most devs in the team have editors with auto lint or lint plugins - it can be a hassle when you push to github, wait a few minutes for your test suite to run, and find out that the PR is ❌ cause of a space.
    Cause fixing it and pushing again requires another few mins of waiting for the test suite
  • 0
    and don't forget the PR review discussions about the 109 file caused by automatically reformatting other peoples' code according to the coding standards
  • 0
    @ingosteinke format once, then block meeting on format checks going forward
  • 2
    @ingosteinke ignore spaces in such PRs. No diff found! Merge PR right away
  • 2
    Me: Ctrl + Alt + L
    *I use kotlin btw
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