Today was a good day.

I was told to use in-house BitBucket runners for the pipelines. Turns out, they are LinuxShellRunners and do not support docker/containers.

I found a way to set up contained, set up all the dependencies and successfully run my CI tasks using dagger.io (w/o direct access to the runner -- only through CI definition yaml and Job logs in the BitBucket console).

Turns out, my endeavour triggered some alerts for the Infra folks.

I don't care. I'm OOO today. And I hacked their runners to do what I wanted them to do (but they weren't supposed to do any of it). All that w/o access to the runners themselves.

It was a good day :)))))
Now I'll pat myself on my back and go get a nice cup of tea for my EOD :)

  • 1
    Y not simply have them set up docker runners? Can't be that hard can it? (spoiler: been through this last year, it is worth the effort)
  • 1
    @webketje ofc they can! And they will. Some time next week.

    It just was hell of a fun to try and hack it :)

    almost as fun as dockerizing a kubernetes cluster :)
  • 1
    it seems you don't realize it, you are the reason someone else will rant, you are part of the problem.
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