
Show a comment field below a discussion, with rich text and link functionality, to inspire people to craft a detailed answer.

Maybe they will forget to type Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C before hitting send.

So when they do, show a message that "you must be logged in to comment". Use a JS SPA to make sure that there is no way for users to restore their drafted comment. Don't show it after they logged in. When they use their browser's back button, they surely want to exit the application, so make sure to discard any transient data in that case.

Seen on WordPress.org using their infamous Gutenberg block editor.

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    To be fair, they're building a major web app using PHP, so any user experience that doesn't involve getting randomly punched in the balls is going to look amazingly slick from their point of view.
  • 1
    @donkulator php+React I shit you not. WordPress took a weird direction before covid
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    @donkulator hey, I can build just about anything using PHP... dont diss my PHP. I'm not saying its the quickest, cleanest, most elegant solution for everything... but PHP can make just about anything... just like you technically can make a large data architecture in JSON files... i did it to prove a point in a 50$ drunk bet.
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    @awesomeest A good developer *can* build more or less anything with PHP. And a good athlete *can* run a marathon with a dead goat strapped to their back. That doesn't make it a pleasant experience, or an efficient way of travelling 26 miles.
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    @donkulator no, but you were referencing the user experience, not the excessive work to make the user exp
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    Avoid using WordPress's Gutenberg block editor and rely on a custom JS SPA solution for better control over draft rollback and login enforcement.

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    @timothyferriss lol... or just "use wordpress and whatever wordpress suggests to use" the makers of wordpress really know how to get a jump start on monetising the internet boom's original wannabe devs with basic, easy to use/comprehendable software... then slowly pull the longest troll ever after it's well established.

    Truly brilliant capitalistic sadists. I greatly respect them... and stay far away from their creations.
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