
The land of the freak. I love America btw

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    What do you want to post before your 14th anyway. Your lego construction?
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    @retoor I might be wrong but isn’t it Florida whose minimum legal marriage age is 14
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    @GiddyNaya wow, didn't expect that from murica
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    @retoor i know the minimum age for marriage in several states is 15 or 16... but you need parental consent. Technically you can be declared a legal adult most if not all states at 14 (assuming certain conditions are met for the need and ability of emancipation) and if you are... anything like marriage or signing a lease is legal then.
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    Social Media is cancer. It is full of cunts. A large part hell bent on fucking up your kids' minds. I highly restrict what social my kids have access to.

    However, I don't think we need laws for state parenting though.
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    @Demolishun I would normally agree, but seeing the general way in which parents act in the U.S I would say: yes we do. Bunch of idiots everywhere mane
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    @AleCx04 the problem is there is probably some 12 year old genius running all his adverts through socials. That is completely unfair in that case. Some people use social for families to keep in touch as well. Also, what is considered social media? Do we want the government defining what that is? Is Roblox now considered social media because kids can talk to each other? All online games have a social aspect by nature. Kids can't talk in forums now? I run into kids all the time learning how to make video games. Now they cannot go to the game engine Reddit?
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    @Demolishun I had not considered that, you are right. I stand corrected u___u
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    @AleCx04 I do agree with you that parenting is severely lacking. Watching what is happening in the big cities is really sad. In some ways I agree with it, in other ways I oppose it. I have become more and more libertarian the last few years though. Anytime someone says: "This law allows the government to..." I am like: NO!

    I firmly believe the Republicans and Democrats are a Uniparty and act together to undermine the Constitution. It is interesting too. Some states are going full government control and other states are rejecting the feds and the federal laws. It is a wild time right now.
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    It's got to be the ONLY good thing I've ever read about it - besides crocodiles and swamp racing
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    @AleCx04 the issue with making laws like that is after it starts... then anything not legally prohibited, explicitly, becomes 'proper parenting' for these people who shouldn't be parents.

    Back in middle school there was this kid in my class who was so huge he made me look skinny (i was right on the wrong side of medically obese... which apparently is no longer PC so all categories obese-super morbid, are just 'very overweight' now)... this kid had 2 much younger siblings that i knew due to being the lunch monitor (long story) for kindergarten. Both of them, HUGE. I mean a 6 or 7 yr old that's over 100lbs and a girl in kindergarten that looked like the midget version of violet beauregarde after stealing the candy.

    That and parents letting their gradeschoolers on xbox live in lieu of parenting, there's a world of things that should be illegal. Thing is, they are illegal, minimum it's neglect, imo literally round children is straight abuse. Should be a jury trial not state specificity
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