
I love you all.

  • 5
    The last one that posted this probably ended up in mental facility or dead. We can only hope
  • 2
    @retoor seems like he got his monthly allotment of happy pills and took them all at once.
  • 4
    @tosensei I'm really worried about AoK. He loved this forum too much to just disappear. Smth happened
  • 1
    @retoor Don't ask, don't tell: he seems to be alright.
  • 1
    hey, hey, go easy on the shrooms, bro, they don't fuck with powder
  • 2
    @retoor yeah, OP, said Kane's exact last words. I should've snatched Kane's contact when I had the chance
  • 1
    I love u too
  • 0
    I'll allow it.
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