
Found in another colleague's office.

  • 4
    that's actually nice haha.
    I remember at one workplace we had this one colleague, who kept hiding different printouts of "hide the pain Harold" everywhere in the office.

    Good times
  • 8
    I had this pinned to my cube wall after a dept mgr had a pre-pre-meeting to go over the agenda for a discovery pre-meeting for a big project kick-off meeting (which mostly consisted of very top level "We want to do this .." items)

    We had the pre-pre-meeting, a few days later that comic was published and it went 'viral' around the office.

    Dev1: "Dude, you better take that down. John is pissed. He thinks you submitted that idea to the Dilbert site"

    Me:"John can think anything he wants. Maybe he should use Dilbert as a guide of what stupid things not to do."
  • 4
    @PaperTrail This comic perfectly describes project politics.
  • 1
    Are those Knipex ?
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