what percentage of these dune hipsters haven't read a SINGLE word of any of the 6 books in the dune series (yes drooling losers, there are 6 of them)

I'm guessing > 90%

wow congrats you watched a 2 hour film, make it your entire identity 🤡

god the world has become ever decreasing cycles of cringe... they will decrease in time length until we reach unending - and therefore infinite - cringe

FullStackCircus Principle™

  • 1
    just grifters on fame as always
  • 2
    I have read the first two books. Kinda lost interest after that. I liked the original movie with the magic system they introduced. Have not watched the new movie. Just not all that interested at the moment.
  • 7
    Gate keepers gotta gate keep.

    You're angry at a group of people who enjoyed something and had fun, because they didn't enjoy it more and have more fun.

    Quit being a goob.
  • -1
    @lungdart i'm not gate keeping, i just don't understand how people who just saw a movie can have such a strong opinion when they aren't even aware there are books in the first place
  • 3
    @fullstackcircus I dunno, I am just upvoting your shit so we can get the big reveal. Then we can dox you by sending hookers and swat teams to your house.
  • 6
    @fullstackcircus then tell them with joy that there's an entire world of content they'll be able to share with you instead of bitching that people exist without perfect knowledge of every aspect of media in our culture.
  • 1
    @lungdart unless someone likes Twilight. If they do, you explain that Fifty Shades of Grey started out as Twilight Fan Fiction.

    Edit: Also Twilight summation is: the importance of having a boyfriend.
  • 1
    @lungdart gatekeeping is important to prevent good things from becoming shit
  • 2
    @nururururu adding shit content to a good catalog doesn't make the good catalog go away.

    *Points to the Simpsons
  • 1
    Overrated movies. Both, the old and the new one (both parts).

    I enjoyed the games more. Westwood ftw!
  • 0
    @fullstackcircus cuz they have no shame looking like idiots

    only nerds dig deep when they love something. generally rare trait
  • 1
    @Demolishun > "unless someone likes Twilight. If they do, you explain that Fifty Shades of Grey started out as Twilight Fan Fiction."

    I'm waiting for an honest/accurate adaptation of Stephen King's 'The Dark Tower' series. Eddie's 'Dead Baby' jokes may not translate to the mass audiences, but THAT IS WHY I WOULD PAY TO SEE IT!

    Even today's woke crowd could appreciate Detta Walker telling the (white) shopkeeper she's going to rip out his tongue and wipe his ass with it.
  • 0
    @PaperTrail I stopped reading that series after the whole Wizard of Oz shit. I don't even know which book that was. I thought it was dumb. The first book was really cool though.

    I also learned too much about the author. I now think he is a cunt. Used to like his movies too. Now I see his name and just avoid. It is wild what half a decade can do to perceptions.
  • 1
    @Demolishun send some hookers my way.
  • 1
    Why not be happy that people recognize the quality of a franchise instead of gatekeeping like that? That's pretty cringe imo.
  • 1
    @Demolishun > "I now think he is a cunt.'

    Yes, King is a terrible human being. In one of the audio books, King essentially admitted he's on drugs when he writes his books. In another, he tries to portray himself as a 'family man', when you know King the furthest thing from that truth. His ego is beyond nauseating (King wrote himself into the story).

    That said, King does have a keen intellect and a tremendous eye on the details. The fact that nearly all his books are connected in some way to The Dark Tower is likely lost on most.

    Try listening to the audio books. The voice actor does a fantastic job in the story telling.
  • 1
    @PaperTrail yeah, I heard a lot of the Dark Tower when my wife was listening to the audio books. Back in the 80s he did a lot of cameos in his movies. Those were hilarious.

    "Honey, this machine just called me an asshole!" is his line from Maximum Overdrive.
  • 1
    Raging about something this insignificant is absolute cringe
  • 0
    Everyone should also watch "Jorodowski's Dune"

    A documentary about the film that should have existed. It would blast everything else away... But like the Concorde, it was not meant to be.
  • 2
    @NeatNerdPrime And everyone should watch all the seasons of Firefly after season 1, that should have existed.
  • 1
    @Lensflare I am still suffering of that.... We can only hope...someday...

    Like half life 3... Someday...
  • 1
    Same for 1984. People were screaming that in protests during covid time. You could see from a mile that the fuckers screaming that don't read. But one thing is true: there are words retiring from the dictionary every year.

    1984 was one of my favorite books ever. Read in two nights. I kinda read on talking speed.

    Edit: on topic, dune sounds very geh to me. Go read Harry potter. That's the stuff
  • 1
    @retoor you should really give dune a try. in all honesty it takes two reads to fully understand but i think its pretty good

    people say it's boring but tbh i don't understand how they arrive at that conclusion
  • 2
    @fullstackcircus ill watch some yt reviewer
  • 2
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