
Tried to send "awesome" to a coworker but the iPhone picks "swine" instead.

How revolutionary.

  • 4
    I ducking hate spellcheck
  • 7
    Think different
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    It's just iPhone's mind reading feature
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    Please make more rants about that! You haven’t talked about it enough!
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    @Lensflare How much do you get paid to defend Apple at every opportunity?
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    @cuddlyogre Oh I haven’t heard that from you before! Very clever and original! Hahaha! What a great joke! Can’t wait to hear it again when you complain about your keyboard problem for the hundredth time again!
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    @cuddlyogre iPhone dev and user since the beginning of iPhones, had countless different iPhones, private, company and test devices. Worked with people who were also iPhone users, iPhone devs. Talked with people who use iPhone daily, not for work.

    Not a single one mentioned those problems which you have. Not a single time had I any of your problems.

    So I’m pretty sure that you are the problem. I don’t know what the fuck you are doing, but you do it so wrong so consistently, it’s fascinating!

    But no, keep complaining about how the keyboard on ios is completely broken, ignore all the defenders who are paid by Apple.

    You are awesome!
    (Written easily, not autocorrected to swine)
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    @Lensflare Your love of Apple is personal, and it truly baffles me. They are an amoral multinational corporation. Nothing about them is worthy of defense.
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    @cuddlyogre your hatred for Apple is so strong that you automatically assume that everyone that doesn’t agree with your rant, is automatically just a fanboy who loves Apple.

    It’s never black or white, except maybe in your case, it is.
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    @Lensflare Being irritated at being constantly embarrassed by the below-subpar performance of a product I had to spend triple what a working product is is perfectly reasonable.

    So is doing everything I can to warn others to avoid a similar situation.

    What is not reasonable is defending, with religious zeal, the reputation of an amoral multinational corporation and reveling in the suffering of others when that corporation gets away with making everyone's life that much worse.

    For example, my (and countless others) not being able to communicate effectively is met with a defense of Apple's reputation. There was no attempt to help me solve the problem, only defending Apple.

    Another is Apple basically not having to follow what the EU told them they had to follow, even though it would objectively help the unfortunate users of this status symbol device, which brought you great pleasure.

    Apple doesn't know who you are. They would sell your soul for a cornchip.
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    @cuddlyogre I don’t care about Apple and its reputation. Every company is evil. All I care about is good products. And Apple's are unmatched, but admittedly expensive.

    What gets on my nerves is not that you criticize Apple but your attitude that you assume that your artificial problems are experienced by the vast majority of users.
    That’s just bullshit.
    And then you act like you need to warn others about it, which is also bullshit.

    You can repeat the same shit with your examples all day long and I can repeat that it works perfectly fine for everyone who I know and for me, all day long.

    Maybe you should just disable autocorrect?
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