
Started playing Skryim again. Playing a pretty big modpack with some really cool mods called: Lost Legacy. It has alternate skills like Pugilist and Unarmored. I can literally punch a bitch with a one shot to death. For some reason this is very satisfying. I wonder what level of my psyche this appeals to. Probably something really animalistic.

These two skills meld really well with playing a mage with no armor. Unarmored skill actually levels faster if you cast an armor spell. So it benefits mages. I also don't have to fumble with weapons with Pugilist.

I had to add Sofia as my follower. Her wit while I punch people to death just fits. I feel like my character is a grumpy old mage that just goes berserk and kills people with his bare hands when upset. Do not disturb my circles, bitch!

I like to name my characters with phonetic names that might mean something else. On the surface it looks like an RPGish character name. But contains another meaning, often vulgar. This character is no different. I have named him: "Rehkuuf". An old Breton bitch of a magic user. Whose only care is learning and acquiring power. I imagine this character doing anything to this cause. Definitely a ends justifies the means kind of person. I am thinking of making him notorious in at least one hold. Not sure which one. So every time I return to the hold I have to kill every guard. Punch a bitch time!

One goal I just thought of: Punch a dragon to death.

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    A little bit sad about Bethesda in general. FO4 just did an update and the by and large impression from fans is its shit. So I got to thinking if Microsoft buying Bethesda is part of the reason. I searched around and found they may have been in decline before that. They are just coming off of a sketchy launch. So fans and critics are swarming right now. I think Bethesda isn't the same company that produced earlier Bethesda titles anymore. My impression of Starfield is that Bethesda had one job: "Fun Titty Space Simulator" and they failed at that.
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