Holy shit! so after my last news report https://devrant.com/rants/1063342/... , I also shared the news in my site where there is a guy that works in a Washington ISP and also offer mail servers and such for the locals... fun and joke time has ended my friends, any SysAdmins here regarding this want to comment on this topic?

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    He added more info
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    Well...I guess there will be a ton of melted servers now.
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    Well anyone is welcome to drop by to keep reading if He decides to make a follow up of what happens with the rest of the servers, He is now complaning to me about his Sharp smarttv though 😅
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    @nik123 I'm not really sure why you'd sue Intel when it's stated quite clearly that "Intel has an HME fix" but the individual vendors may have to adapt the fix to their 'customisations', which Asus apparently haven't been successful at doing and publishing in a useful manner..?
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    @nik123 so you would sue a hardware manufacturer for not having control over all products that contain their parts? If the world really worked like that, there probably would be any devices or even home electronics at all...

    Do you sue Google every time a phone running Android is not on the very latest security patch level? And who should be sued for ending support on a device?
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    @Flygger Secret, vulnerable code running on virtually every machine in the world that has complete and unrestricted access to said machines? And this is not worrying in the least?

    You need to get your head examined.
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    @Root that part worries me plenty, it's just the reaction of suing someone who might have done everything (as) right as they could and should
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    @Flygger fair enough.
    Though suing Intel (and AMD) for putting a backdoor into their chips in the first place might be a good place to start. Sadly, the US government probably supported and funded the endeavor.
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