
  • 0
    Squirrels make creepy fucking sounds, I was walking near a bush and heard screeee screeee screeee
  • 5
    there was a couple squirrels that moved in to the bin right on my neighbor's balcony, near my bedroom window

    the drama that couple had, jfc
    it was like watching a trailer trash drama show
    the guy, after getting kicked out of the house, would come back screeching from a distance at his ex wife. he would do this even when it rained. he would hide under the transformer repeater thing on the electrical wire, stand under it, and cry. for hours.
    sometimes she'd come out and shout at him back, I presume to leave

    ... and then the kids came out... and now they wreck my pots / plants. I hate them
  • 7
    That three has some balls!
  • 2
    @jestdotty You can eat them, apparently.
  • 3
    @donkulator u can eat anything you want to
  • 1
    @jestdotty poor guy…he really wants her back
  • 1
    @shovethisrant In theory, but my wife might have something to say about it.
  • 2
    @donkulator remind her of the famous Michael Jackson song "Eat it"
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