
Whats the best way for localhost mysql testing?

  • 4
    Uhm you install the mysql server and preferably a client and off you go
  • 1
    Docker or a VM? Or get a cheap box and run it on metal.
  • 1
    MySQL server + MySQL cmd / phpmyadmin / adminer / workbench
  • 2
    I used a very nice piece of MySQL administration/manipulation tool called SQLyog in my Windows days. Haven't come across something which could fully replace it ever since.
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    Try XXAMP!
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    @elonmusk why the full stack when he only wants to test MySQL?
  • 2
    @elonmusk and it's XAMPP. Not XXAMP
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    @emyu10 hehe! I don't remember the names! May be helps in the future!
  • 0
    Install mysql / mariadb server, connect to port 3306 using mysql workbench or heidisql or just use a terminal and bam go nuts.

    Why would you install a full stack just to get a db running @elonmusk ?
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    @C0D4 you know it was just a suggestion! He may use in the future! :)
  • 1
    I'm gussing XAMPP is very good. 🤔🤔
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