
So I saw something funny today (in C++ forum):
C++ is Rust--

The topic was not Rust in any way. So I lost the "Can I go one day without hearing about Rust?" game today (You won The Game btw).

What I find funny about this is the obsession of Rust devs have with C++. I get it, C++ is the competition in a way. But isn't it a low bar to define your language as "better than C++"?

If I had never seen C++ (and had used other languages) and saw Rust syntax I would not be impressed. If it was the first thing I learned I wouldn't know any different I suppose. I wonder if I had seen C++ later I would think differently about C++. It is not pretty, but I am used to it I think.

This gets complicated as the C++ committee is influenced by trends in CS of how to better do things. So C++ is a moving target.

I don't really have a point other than the amusing observation. I find it equally amusing when people get bent out of shape over Python syntax.

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    Why does rust exist, anyway? All I know is that it’s a c++ like lang but then again c++ has been around.
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    @TeachMeCode adoption is still really low. I mean VB6 has orders of magnitude more users. I applaud their efforts though. Having more options is good. I can footgun with the best of them with C++.
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    @Demolishun why are people going to rust over c++
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    @Demolishun I guess. I simply don’t know why this language exists and gained popularity
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    @TeachMeCode it is trying to solve some perceived safety issues with current languages. It is supposed to be a systems language.
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    @TeachMeCode The rust compiler does a lot more work to try and catch silly mistakes one can make at the low level, mostly to do with memory management, to the point where overflowing a buffer without crashing is pretty hard. That's the main selling point, anyway.

    I'm not entirely clear on how efficient the resulting binaries are, given the number of runtime checks that I assume would be required to always give this sort of guarantee. We'd have to look at the disassembly for a program and compare it to clang or gcc output performing the same tasks, then average the number of cycles for the target architechture using Fog's tables or what have you.

    It's a lot of work, so I never bothered. But performing those types of checks is always more instructions, so any "safe" code will inevitably pay a heavier performance price, nevermind the language or compiler.
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    @TeachMeCode A thing I've heard is that C++ has collected way to much stuff and features over the years and can be kind of a mess.
    So it makes sense to have a fresh start on current standards without legacy
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    @Jedidja C++ needs a makeover mode.
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    I have rust in my queue to learn... mainly cuz it may work better for some things im using python and likely conda on... but i highly doubt it wont pale in comparison to c++ and c for me... but i have been using them since 7 and 8, respectively.

    Imo if a language needs users to spam illogical, extremely opinionated comparisons to any other language, they are essentially a straw doll.
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    @Liebranca thx for the low down on rust... now its moving down the queue a bit. I dislike just about anything thats made to keep protecting people from their own stupidity... the lack of an actual "off" button, the prompts 'are you really super duper sure u wanna do this thing that you explicitly keep trying to do?', the attendants at bounce houses (Hüpfburgen) (i do understand that necessity, but dont like it), browsers trying to stop me from going to uncertified domains, coffee cups warning u its hot, etc

    Ive had several issues with compiling valid code because of something not recognising it as such... when i work around the compiler to compile, it works just fine.
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    @Jedidja @Demolishun

    Personally, i want all languages to have makeover modes... like it you pick the year/iteration/ver of a language then can add on something like connecting to the internet (like original fortran didnt have) not all the other shit, and just code it with those specifications. In theory itd be much less prone to issues, bloat, etc
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    @awesomeest what I find wild about C++ is that you can track 40 years of coding progress in its changes. The language is getting better, but people are still using the first 35 years of stuff.

    But stuff that weirds me out. People avoiding the use of new and delete. I can see some of their reasoning, but some people still work at lower levels. It can't all be high level.
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    @awesomeest damn last time I was with c++ or anything lower to the hardware was college. This lower level stuff seems fun, I might build a for fun thing but I need a reason to aka touching the hardware is a must
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    I shall learn the ways of the dark side of the dev force
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    @TeachMeCode go get an arduino. It is a whole different world.
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    @Demolishun a whole neeeeew woooorrld 🧞‍♂️
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    I may be an app dev 😁 but I feel good I can take on hardware. It will add inches to my dick 🐴🐎🐎🐎🐴🐴
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    @TeachMeCode then again I read that a blue whales testicle weighs 99-150lbs. Respect….
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    @Demolishun which kit do you suggest
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    @TeachMeCode what do you mean which kit?
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    @Demolishun mmmm I must be really lost then lol. I don’t even know where to begin, what to buy. Chat gpt gave me a whole list of stuff I should buy and I was like holy shit 😁
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    @TeachMeCode either get arduino uno or a cheap clone off amazon. Probably 10$. You will need to get usb cable unless you find a cheap kit on amazon that includes cable. Then either use arduino ide or use vs code and get an arduino compiler. I think vs studio code is prob a nicer environment for a seasoned dev. aduino ide is kinda shit, but it works. If you shop smart on amazon it will be around $15.

    For example:

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    @Demolishun thanks! I use vs code all the time
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    @Demolishun just bought the thing you linked. Baffling that the more expensive ones come with tutorials when there’s always free youtube vids

    Im a super noob at this and electronics in general but I want to see what this hardware dev planet is like
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    Can’t wait to do robot stuff with this thing
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    @TeachMeCode send me your address on tg. Im ordering another lot of arduinos and beyond (wholesale, some for resale even) I can send you a custom starter kit with some shiny random components... itd actually be helpful to me for the ecomm site idk if i told you about yet (and now i can tell u whatever //nda)

    Side note- i got you a random gift or 2 youll love (it was convenient and relatively free)
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    @Demolishun @TeachMeCode
    Demolishun is totally right... but i have more resources (and likely more exp). I used to teach irl electronics/minor programming classes years ago. Taught 1st graders- 70yr olds.

    Ive been using arduinos since ~1yr after they came out (like the official launch date not my awareness).

    I still occasionally get requests from schools (hs and uni mostly) and the rare community center to source supplies.

    Fun fact: since I've always been a profesional middleman at some level, that means, when i source stuff for any charitable org (or gov supplemented social resource like schools and community centers, libraries etc too) even getting my cost reimbursed, the gap between that and MRSP is a tax write off... and yes, the IRS totally hates me (stuff like this only ranks ~4th on the list of why)

    If anyone in the usa ever has tax questions feel free to ask. I must admit, i get a minor kick out of their frustration and frequent, always beyond failure, auditing of me.
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    @awesomeest aaaaawwww thanks so much!!! I love gifts lol

    Btw damn how does me using an arduino help your ecommeece site, you must have one freakish app if its responsive to programming an arduino, lol
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    @Demolishun ok what do i do with this? Stick it in a robot? lol seriously I can’t wait to do something crazy with it
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    @TeachMeCode read, program, buy more shit for it.
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    @awesomeest I wanna stick it in a bot as a personal omelette chef
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