
how do you guys deal with the assache after sitting for so long ?! X(

  • 3
    We have free coffee & snacks in the company so we always walk to the kitchen. It's good practice :)
  • 8
    I slouch so low that my ass is practically off the chair. Causes horrible back pains but my ass feels great.
  • 6
    You get used to it. My ass has really taken a pounding throughout the years.
  • 4
    My ass hurts less from sitting and more from getting fucked by brownfield projects. Ain't no cushion to cure that butthurt.
  • 2
    I don't know but assache is the funniest word I've heard today.
  • 1
    you should probably adjust the height of the table and your chair.
    I only get this when I have to sit too low so most of my weight is on the rear part.
  • 1
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