
Just got an email from a client asking if it was possible to block Pokemon GO on their premises.

Now, I know the answer to this. But just in case... would that even be possible?

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    Found a reddit post suggesting blocking traffic from pgorelease.nianticlabs.com
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    you could use a gps gsm jammer to block all communication, but in many countrys its illegal to do so.

    or you could use a Eddystone beacon which sends a notification via bluetooth that states that pokemon go is not allowed here. But thats impractical too.

    So the cheapest thing they can do is setting up signs/billboards which tells visitors that pkm is not allowed.
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    @heyheni This is the kind of info I was looking for and couldn't find, thank you. Best course of action is visible information.
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    Holy shit.. now I want one of these jammers, this is wild.
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    @kevbost I'm assuming there's some sort of place of interest on the property. They should call Niantec and have it removed.
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    hey don't be evil! :D
    there are some security concerns with those jammers. What if there is an emergency, how do you call the hospital? And what about the surrounding neighbours?
    Jammers generate huge amount of electro smog, which can cause headaches. And there is a trust issue which affects the loyality of the custumors employees when they find out, that your custommer use jammers because he doesnt trust his employees. I wouldnt want to work there.

    but yeah they're wild and tempting :D
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    If he has any control over the Internet connection being used, he can just block traffic from the specific website. Otherwise there is nothing much he can do besides jaming the 3g/4g signal and giving people his wifi password with Pokemon blocked
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