
Here's how I describe my workplace:
- a mid dev that will stay mid forever
- a senior but with junior skill
- a mid but actually a junior
- a verbose dev, people having rough time trying to understand her because her explanation is always blown up
- a PM without enough technical skill
- a dev with personality like a moody teenager
- a contractor but acting like a customer

Did I miss anything? 🤔

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    Lemme describe mine.
    - Competent enough tech lead
    - Good techie
    - Good techie
    - Techie who's skilled but has issues with women
    - Good techie
    - Incompetent techie
    - Good techie
    - Amazing Techie

    - Mid organiser
    - Overworked but skilled organiser

    - Sales guy who sells too much with too little technical knowledge
    - Silent sales guy

    - Competent supply guy

    - Questionable accountant lady

    - Boss#1 who's on the whole AI trip

    - Boss#2 who's unorganised and lacking in deeper technical skill, yet a good person

    - My colleague who's a good programmer and without him half of development would stop
    - Me, decent programmer and without me the other half of development would stop
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    - angry hard ass leader guy, but you can ask him questions and he listens to logic
    - a programmer someone left in the closet for 15 years and seems to not know basic things but he's nice
    - annoying organiser lady who causes more work and stress and imo doesn't know what anyone's job is and bullies everyone into pretending to work or retaliates with rumourous insults, and also keeps wanting validation for her complaints about the client which I think is inappropriate behaviour
    - quiet organiser guy who I really like because we have no meetings, just 2 minute drive-by's like once a week
    - annoying programmer who thinks he's hot shit and is entitled (and later got fired for shouting and swearing with someone because he refused to budge on his code)
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    - some dude from another department who kept talking HR into secluding us in the office because he wanted to go out with me but he wouldnt come out and ask the question so I could reject him. he keeps telling me how he misses programming. he later got a girlfriend and became aggressive if I asked him about work / career / job politics advice... even though he used to be my manager before and he wanted me to talk to him about such things -.-
    - system admin / architect who is overworked, never speaks. I blew up prod once and he fixed it. love him. do his tasks for him sometimes so he has time to shower and do laundry. he's nice and such
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    - talkative architect from the Middle East, seems retired, really funny. he solved a bug I couldn't figure out once which gave me undying loyalty to him after that (the bug wasn't relevant to work, it just drove me nuts because no bug is ever beyond me!). I once pointed out a contradiction in one of his designs and he went beet red but he recovered, which made me respect him. super sociable, wants me to haggle with internet people to "trick" them into giving me cheap internet, but that's not my disposition
    - an imported immigrant for Q&A and strangely I only have to explain something once to him and he will propagate the information to all the relevant parties so I think he's a godsend because he saves me so much time. I also taught him tech stuff and he picked it up real easy and does it on his own without my help
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