
Different take.

It's Palestine's fault.

Imagine Jews coming in to your country and doing what they want. Now you're relocating to Egypt? Bruh.

Imagine being this weak. Bet Jews can't try that shit on Russia or China. They'd get fucking rekt.

So yeah, Palestine. I guess there will be no longer Palestine, so just nuke it along with Israel entirely. We need to make Jews extinct. I'd help.

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    imo the germans shoulda give up land to their victim. East-germany for the jews, the rurh valleys for the gays, the black forest for the gypsies, hamburg for the retarded and the rest for the communists.

    That being said, what happened last time the UK military went to china? You guyz became junkies lmao
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    @mostr4am that.. already happened. Remember WW2?
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    It's crazy how junky ching chonging poor peasants became such a strong force that is China today. And even I'm racist against the Chinese, I can respect that since I'm losing my respect for US.


    I really like the UK. Too bad it's full of shitskins now. That's what happens when Jews want you to accept Immigrants, while they themselves accept none. Low IQ move if you ask me, and that's strange coming from the UK.
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    @kanyewest bitch pls hae you met a white british.

    Im on team great replacement. White people should not exist.
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    > White people should not exist

    Based. Fuck Whites.

    White women are ok though.
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    @kanyewest I love the idea of great replacement. It makes idiots whine.
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    @kanyewest srsly though these fucks want to take my woman away
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