
Back in the day people used to burn fucking cities... I really don't get this "there is no way now" mentality

  • 3
    Seriously true. I feel pity when i see comments like "one day I'll tell my grandkids how awesome internet was". Do you even have a spine bro/lady ?! Instant loss of respect to people who give up just like that.
  • 1
    Right but then devs are the most concern about this issue.
    And as devs we tend to avoid physical work 😬

    Maybe Ajit expected this 🤔 🙄
  • 1
    No Mad the Rebel is here ☠️ 💀 ☠️ 💀

  • 1
    if the majoirity of us can really sacrifice all of our shits together (no typo, meant to write shit), it will be possible.

    but it will never happen and the miniority of them know it way better than us.
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