
I already HATE Laravel, and I haven't even got it working yet. I have now wasted 3 days on this bullshit

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    Looks like a composer / namespacing issue
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    You're just doing it wrong mate. Keep at it, stick with their documentation and it will soon become second nature. 👍🏻
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    I have tried almost everything from their documentation. I have tried other people's working templates. Sometimes it almost works, and other times it's completely broken
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    Looks like a Microsoft issue 😂

    Nah, on a serious note, Laravel is awesome and it's easily setup when developing on unix based environments. When I used to have a Windows PC, before upgrading to Ubuntu, I installed virtual box and and shared the directory of the Laravel app between the guest and host environment.
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    Besides it's recommended to run the app in a similar development stack locally as intended on production. Unless, are you intending to run the app in production on a Windows server?
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    No it's not! It's an awesome framework...just go for a walk and calm down!!
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    It's not running on Windows in this instance. It's vagrant
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    Laracasts are helpful, have had no issue setting it up on windows 10
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    Something is very wrong because even on windows (using xampp) latavel works like a charm. Once you get to know the framework, you won't think of using any other.
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    Don't loose hope yet! Its lovely and the community is pretty awesome too!
    "Everything is difficult before it's easy!"
  • 2
    I fixed my issue by starting all over and using homestead. Problem with that was that I hadn't created an ssh-key yet, and neither the documentation nor most tutorials / guides include that information. But it works.
    I created a small application in a few hours and I now see why people love Laravel
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    Admittedly @devs - parts of the documentation are assumptions that you just... know to do something in addition. It's a bit silly on that front, but it's really not geared to newer developers (what I personally would consider, less than 3 years commercial experience) - keep at it!
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    @thatcoolguyrob Well... I actually have quite a few years of experience, so it's a bit embarrassing that it took me this long to figure it out, but to my defence, I recently reinstalled my pc, and didn't think about it because I thought I'd already done it ;)
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    - not as a php programmer though; that's fairly new to me
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