can i work in any more horrible company than this?

> got a shitty macbook air as official work laptop. i am an Android dev btw, nd fuck knows how long it took to build apps on this, but it was still okay

> after 1 year some keys started getting slow to respond but still working fine

> recently a Senior dev raised request for better laptops and somhow we all got macbook pros woth good ram/processor

> returned my old laptop, got a mail after few seconds that my laptop has liquid damage! (in retrospect , i think i knew it as my bag once got drenched in rain)

> few days later, a mail chain starts where some guy is asking for $300 approval of fixes from my boss's boss!

now fuck knows how is it going to get paid, but i cant afford it on my monthly salary.

i am already on a tight crunch as my dad recently lost his job and i am paying emis for a car loan as well as a hand fracture loan, but i am surprised that am getting notified about this.

1. the laptop's whole value is around $350 (some corporate quote that i once saw) .

2. the laptops should be fucking insured (we ourselves are a fuckin general insurance company) as its an obvious norm in corporate equipments. i shouldn't be penalised for this

3. i was working fine with this laptop and i can still work on it if given back.

4. this can be deducted at the time of fnf or from gratuity fund that these assholes hold onto until a guy completes 5 years and take it all for themselves if he doesn't.

5 i can buy this shitty laptop back and use it as my personal device, or get it repaired for less.

i don't even claim to have damaged it, why are they putting it on me 😭😭😭

  • 10
    "give me a raise so I can pay the repair"
  • 2
    pretty sure it's illegal to deduct such a thing from salary

    they have to sue you for damages if you caused damages

    they're acting like a damned scummy rental company
    I doubt they have snoop software on so I'd just hand their laptop back and use my own if it just so happens salary deductions are not illegal where you're at -- but with scummy people just saying they can't do that and ignoring them generally works. what they gonna do? lol

    just make sure if it snot illegal there to say no if they want to put spyware on your hardware
  • 9
    ignore it

    if they fire you, you've got a slam dunk case on your hands unless you live somewhere with serfdom era labour laws like North Korea or Alabama.
  • 2
    @spoiledgoods is Alabama the North Korea of the Americas?
  • 4
    @electrineer I don't think inbreeding is nearly as rampant in N. Korea so I'd say no
  • 4
    @spoiledgoods worse, i live in india we devs are in plenty and therefore less significant than a dust speckle on that macbook air screen.

    also I can't ignore it since they control the payroll software that is going to automatically deduct this amount
  • 1
    @dotenvironment do you have unions at all in India?
  • 0
    @electrineer no.
    since unions won't be able to impact any government companies (even political parties and olympic players on road protesting can't bulge government decisions)

    and if you are an engineer in a private company, you can't be remotely associated with anyunion or community if you love your job.

    and what are you asking this question about, aren't you some half indian NRI guy yourself?
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