
Fuck LOCs, keystrokes are the best way to judge a dev's productivity.

  • 10
    More keystrokes per minute means he's not coding but writing documentation, so it's less productivity
  • 5
    @cafecortado shhh dont tell them that, i want to be paid writing shit on devrant
  • 5
    Make a coc, characters of code
  • 7
    Sure! But most of mine are going to be WASD then. 😉
  • 3
    If that's a thing I'm definitely underpaid
  • 2
    A colleague of mine does each whitespace with "spacebar, delete, spacebar, delete" very rapidly.. maybe even 3 or 4 times. I'm always going crazy watching that. I guess he can't do it normal anymore. :'D
  • 2
    maybe management should make tests

    cuz I'd lose on typing I mostly fuck about doing other things as I think about how not to type 90% of something

    and presumably features is what they pay for but I swear they were acting like you acting servile is what they want to pay you for and everything else be damned
  • 3
    Reading the rant in the feed…
    *sounds like a troll*
    Opening the rant and seeing the author…
    *it IS a troll*
  • 1
    No. How many Billion Brain Signals generated per second is your best indicator
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