
fuck, I'm unemployed...

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    this time around I'll make an actual effort to find something better. Maybe relocate, again, out of this godforsaken country
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    lucky fucker
  • 9
    Come work for me, I will pay you in exposure
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    @Hazarth wait, why is this a porn site? What do you mean by "exposure"?
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    @Demolishun I mean, i'll mention His name next to our projects, so people know he can maybe code :)
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    welcome to the club.

    sucks but theres a certain freedom to being a hobo.
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    @Hazarth "you have died of exposure on the silicon valley trail."

    ..and dysentery for some reason.
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    also why do I wanna gossip
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    You can go full-time indie. Have fun
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    from "I got a feeling I'm about to be laid off." to this.

    Always trust your gut.
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    Join the club 🌴
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    Welcome to the club. Now, be honest... How much did it improve your mental health?
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    @Wisecrack Oh, welcome to the club as well. So how long have you been unbound by social norms and free to express yourself however you like about your former employer? It's been 7 months for me. Not looking for a job yet. Still recovering.
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    @cprn about a month and a half. I don't know how anyone can go on a sabbatical for 7 months. Would eat right through your savings
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    @Wisecrack Invested in NVIDIA (among other things). Getting more money from interest than they used to pay me.
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    @jestdotty Could be worse. Could get way past anxiety and become somatic. To not repeat myself: https://devrant.com/rants/9958020 Take care of yourself.
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    @jestdotty Oh, yeah, and people coming "to help" telling you to change position, asking for details of your pain, asking to look into your eyes, talking to each other... All that when you lie down flat fighting your body not to puke or faint and every sound, every word, every move or bit of light makes the symptoms instantly 2x worse. I know all of it.

    Didn't know about coq10 studies - don't need it currently but will look into it, thanks.
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