
Amazon support guy: Oh its a Windows instance. I'm a Linux Engineer so...
Me: I know your pain. I'm in pain, too. Now help me.

  • 4
    Did it work out? 😁
  • 31
    That's the awesome thing about my job as a linux support engineer. I'm a "Linux" support enginer - I may direct all windows related bullshit to another engineer :D
  • 4
    @dustypaws yeah! we managed to fix it
  • 6
    @linuxxx lmao i have encountered one who actually told me he would find someone who specializes in windows
  • 5
    Cloud gaming instance?
  • 6
    Just like a Linux issue is painful for Windows engineer
  • 1
    @bahua not really a gaming instance, its for work. we're using amazon ec2 for our servers
  • 3
    Windows on servers other than gaming... What can possibly go wrong.
  • 2
    @Jop- because for some games even the server part runs on windows only.
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