
When you spend 16-20 hours a day in front of a computer you have to keep things fresh.

Got some of these

to go with this

after using this for 10 years

and the experience is night and day. Just having lit keys has improved my life drastically.

I also got one of these to mix up my day

and one of these to try to improve my 3d workflow
but I'm not convinced yet.

  • 5
    I bought mouse and keyboard with extra programmable buttons that I don't use. The fun part is the driver for the mouse (which butttons died and I am not using anymore) is it disables the track pad. So if my external mouse dies then I cannot use the mouse. Yay! Yeah, I probably need to address this before it happens. The keyboard is lit and is helpful in a darker room.
  • 2
    Never understood why some people are so into rgb/lit keyboards or mice.
    I find it very annoying and always disable that crap.
    Are you one of those devs who spend their whole day in a pitch black room so that you can’t see your keys?
  • 8
    @Lensflare you don't code like this?
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    @Lensflare After spending the entire day being exposed to fluorescent lights, it's nice to turn the lights off for a while.
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    @Demolishun nope. I admit, I’m not a 1337 10x hacker.
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    @Lensflare I don't get why people have mechanical noisy-as-fuck keyboards either. I have a backlit MX keys keyboard and it's a dream to type on. I just wish there was a hack to keep the lights on all the time, because the soft glow is good.
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    You look at your keys?
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    im on mac
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    @devdiddydog if it drowns out the toilet noises, the sniffling, the idle chatter, and that one beeping noise from the ac. Then I could see the appeal. If working from home it could drown out children, spouses, and that yappy yorkie the neighbor has.
  • 1
    @spongessuck yes, because I use like 3 different keyboards and I fucked up my finger on my right hand a few years ago. Cut a tendon and sometimes it don't work right. Kinda pissed because the surgeon only wanted to talk to me instead of fixing the fucking tendon. I don't know if it can be fixed. He went out of business too. That asshole.

    Edit: most of the time no, but at times reregister where things are.
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    @Demolishun I code like that

    I like RGB

    I just want mood lighting

    I'm also naturally nocturnal
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    @devdiddydog what does lighting have to do with mechanical and sound?!

    You know that you can have silent and non-lit keys, right?
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    I made a big list back in 2020 of every mechanical keyboard I've ever owned:


    I updated it in 2023 with some ergo/wireless options:


    and recently I got another ergodox layout keyboard:

  • 1
    @Lensflare We were on the topic where someone complained about certain keyboard features. Noisy mechanical keys is one I don't get.
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    @devdiddydog ah, sorry, I get it now.
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