
Android Studio Installation.

What is the fucking point of giving an option to install the software somewhere other than C drive when the installation fails if done so.

Fucking cunts, multi billion dollar company my ass. Go to hell you stupid fucks.

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    React Native > Native ✌️
  • 7
    @Dacexi especially if your goal is shit performance and you dont want to use half of the native features anyways
  • 3
    Doesn't even have to install it under Linux 🙄
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    Ive installed android studio a hundred times and never had a problem
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    Odd... I have android studio on my d drive and seems to work just fine... Slow but fine...
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    @BindView true but development is much faster and you can compile to different platforms with the same code.
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    @Dacexi "yeah, the app crashes when you rotate your device but at least you can run it on iphone too"
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    I mean yeah its ok if you have like a blog or some shit and you just want the website to have a separate icon, but not really useful for bigger stuff
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    @BindView haven't had any problems like that. devRant is a non-native app too and it works absolutely fine.
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    @Dacexi it was an example ffs

    Devrant, except for the numerous bugs and hiccups, yeah, it runs well

    Btw devrant is the fucking epitome of software where cross platform works okay
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    @BindView also, what does website have to do with anything here. RN is NOT a webview like Cordova, phonegap or electron. It interprets JS and displays it using native components.
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    @BindView I've used MUCH slower and buggier native apps by 25 billion dollar companies *ehem, Snapchat, ehem*
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    @Dacexi do you know what else interprets js and displays it using native components?


    Now i aint saying 'native' js is absolutely useless and a piece of crap that should be purged along with the idiots who couldnt learn compiled languages so they raped low performance devices with interpreted shit, but i have nothing to back up the first part of the sentence
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    @BindView I see your point. I just prefer the development process of RN compared to native. Not saying native is bad in any way but having hot reloading on 3 devices at once is fucking amazing.
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    @Dacexi yeah id kill to have hot reload
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