oh dear Lord, the live spaghetti stopped working this morning.

ColdFusion endpoint throws a 503, fuck knows why, entire front end demon spaghetti web app is stuck in a loading screen.

Whoever architected this application is an idiot.

  • 2
    Maybe @ColdFusionX can help...
  • 2
    @Ranchonyx It magically started working again. I found multiple deadlocks in the DB though, don't know who the fuck wrote this shit code. Ugh
  • 1
    @Ranchonyx oh did he delete his account?
  • 2
    Ah no, he's @CoreFusionX šŸ˜…
  • 4
    I had nothing to do with it, I swear!
    <_< >_>

    But I agree whoever implemented it was an idiot!
  • 1
    People code in coldfusion these days?
  • 1
    @TeachMeCode Yeah some people do, apparently. We're shutting this shitshow of an application down, just need to offboard two clients lol.

    The contractor who built this mess doesn't know what he's doing. I discovered shitloads of SQL deadlock errors in the server logs, due to bad architecture. Holy shit, this application is so poorly built, I am embarrassed for the guy.
  • 1
    Man I feel so dirty when I have to touch this project. Hope I will be able to wash this taint off of me eventually.
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