
The biggest problem with apple is the fanbase

  • 12
    And the price policy...
  • 2
  • 12
    True. Without the fans, apple won't exist anymore
  • 9
    the problem with google is that you are in the fanbase no matter if you are a fan or not
  • 3
    they do make solid products but not everything they do is worthy of being in jesus's dreams…
  • 3
    If their consumers didn't believe in the stupid fucking philosophy of buying a 'new' phone every year, maybe they'd make some different stuff
  • 1
    The biggest problem with Microsoft is the lacking fanbase.
  • 1
    @simulate problem with Google is that you are in their database no matter what you do! 😂
  • 1
    Google doesn't need a fanbase... They just own you... 🤷
  • 0
    I honestly see way worse attitudes from people in different communities.
  • 1
    I'm done with Apple, had an iPhone 7, a 13" MBP Late '13, still have a 27" iMac running Windows 10.

    Thing is.. Looking at 27" iMac... I think... You could've gotten that for 1/3 of the price. My Mate 9 from Huawei is anything an iPhone 7 could ever hope to be for 1/3 of the price. The Apple ecosystem with iOS and macOS has lost its appeal, it feels old, clunky and restrictive.

    Just my two cents ✌️
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