If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

  • 4
    and the enterprise edition:

    if it's broke, but the customer doesn't want it fixed because the bug report hasn't yet passed the two months of "ticket refinement", don't fix it.
  • 4
    Fix it until it's broken.
  • 1
    Broken or not, it is a feature
  • 0
    I raise you "not invented here" syndrome.


    "break it more and then sell its broken-ness AS a feature."
  • 0
    How do you know it's not broken?
  • 1
    @Wisecrack i raise you "we just buy the shittiest tool for the job we can find. not just a license. the whole software. then make it even shittier."
  • 0
    @tosensei "and then we sell it to others, who do the same."

    Like an infinite-nesting-doll of shit.

    And at the core is a shining jewel, buried in layers of waterfall-esque de-developed septic tanks made by hyperintelligent cavemen paid to bang together *scifi* quality stonehammers all day until they die of boredom.
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