
10/60 this is supposed make me nonchalant in the storm of stress and problems

  • 4
    It sure makes you not give a fuck about oversharing.
  • 1
    I think you need something far stronger than this to be re-integrated into society
  • 0
    @localpost exactly. i truly give less fucks about evryone and everything. and I'll do everything in power to remain this way
  • 0
    @spoiledgoods I'll take some stronger drugs if this doesnt work out. got 30 days to find out. 2 of this shits per day of consumption. we'll see. a biz partner recommended me to take seamoss drugs. no idea what the fuck that is. I'll consider it if ashwagandha fucks up
  • 1
    Just take whatever is cheaper to get the placebo effect you're after
  • 0
    @spoiledgoods need real effects
  • 0
    @localpost pretty sure he was born oversharing. Ive been told i overshare (probably true) but he totally dwarfs me there.
  • 1
    @b2plane placebo effect is real. Pseudosomatic symptoms/conditions can be more potent than direct etiology... including very physical manifestations. Im almost positive you are an ideal candidate for Positive pseudosomatic effects.
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    @jestdotty not everyone can self-hypnotise... or even be hypnotised by others... i appear to be the type that cant be hypnotised (or maybe requires a hypnotist of a higher level than ive ever enountered). Ive been told (by psych pros) that i innately reflexively think too much for hypnotism to work. I find the concept fascinating though.
  • 1
    @jestdotty all attempts at not thinking have failed for me... aside from unconsciousness and so much stimulus (typically pain) that the vast majority of the population wouldve passed out way before then. the closest i get to meditation is basically spamming my brain with tons of input so my attention gets more divided than i can consciously process... and that takes a lot to do
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