so another java!=javascript rant…

so an inexperienced friend of mine was having a conversation with me, and he was using the words java and javascript synonymously (meaning he thought they were the same thing).

so, i corrected him.
“you know javascript isn’t the same as java though.”

“oh, it’s not? ok then.”
and we went about our day.

three days later he was talking to me again, and we were talking about new web backends, and, as you might have guessed, golang came up.

he then said “i was talking with a noob to programming, and he thought go and golang were the same. i sure told him!”


  • 1
    I was about to say they're not. But apparently they are, forgot the original name was Go... Guess they added lang to make less confusing after AlphaGo came out and the majority of the world realised Go is actually a board game...
  • 3
    From a psychology standpoint it sounds like approval seeking behavior. He was probably just trying to do something similar to what you did. Moral: he's probably just a nice kid that looks up to you and wants to be like you... Just a bit over zealous. :)
  • 1
    @agaskins that would be logical from the details i have presented but allow me to tell you another fact that i didnt believe was relevant until now: im 14 and he’s 15
  • 1
    @jschmold unfortunately only some people believe in that
  • 0
    @calmyourtities nobody else has to believe it. This is done by his subconcious so he probably doesnt even notice.
  • 0
    @Codex404 id expect his subconscious to do the opposite
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