
Dear humans that identify as Frontend Web Devs,

I get that you aren't adept at the logic aspects of dev, but I would greatly appreciate if you tried to better your simple, common sense logic... or at least have someone do basic QA.

A Concerned Citizen

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    So... it won't allow the user to leave it blank.
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    Isn't this one of those businesses that thrive on people getting confused and not getting help?
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    @c3r38r170 its actually a W-2 (what any "employees" in the usa get from their employer to file taxes) enrollment form. The girl that's been working for me is leaning towards this other (shitty) job for certain reasons.

    (like shes currently a "contractual" worker for me so shed need to file her own taxes that would cut into money already received and health insurance isnt provided through me (yet).. shes young(but mature) and just weary of things like non-standard tax filings)
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    Are you saying that anyone who creates a Google Form is also a frontend web dev?
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    @electrineer did you not read the first line? it's highly specific.
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