
1. Finish my own game
2. Get a publisher
3. Get rich
4. Buy a big house with a swimming pool on the top and get 2 bisex girlfriends

  • 4
    You don't get rich by making games, do it because it makes fun :P
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    @FrodoSwaggins 🕶
    @Hammster fun is profitable 😃
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    I like the last ;)
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    I love how his fantasy portrays women as sex objects.
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    Call me on 4 I'll bring 2 more
  • 9
    @deusprogrammer Men sexually objectify women as much as women sexually objectify men. Nothing wrong with that. Whether one likes it or not, people are totally permitted to want other people solely for the purpose of having sex, and to have no other interest in them whatsoever . Whether that's nice or not is a personal problem.
  • 1
    reminds me of when i first tried minecraft on a friends server...

    first day i built a house in the middle of a lake... with a fire place and a swiming pool... i used a combination of stone and wood...

    then it burnt down causing my house to both burn and be flooded in a rought 50/50 split...

    then i moved on and built a fort... close to a zombie infested forest...

    so I sat fire to the forest.... this was way back... So i accidentally turned the whole server into Mordor.... my friends never trust me on their minecraft server after that :p
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    If you know what I'm talking about 😏😏😏
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    If you need someone with a bit of game design knowledge and a lot of time, give me a call (or rant).

    I would be happy with the house. I come with a girlfriend preinstalled
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    @Teabagging4Life Bullshit. The amount of money a woman can get for a startup is almost always dependent on the size of her ass (or boobs, or...)
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    @Teabagging4Life don’t pretend that now that there are diversity movements that suddenly everything is equal.
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    @KimberlyTheGeek It would be nice if your answer had anything to do with my comment, but because I am kind I will try to elaborate on what I actually said as a response. It is amazing how any little thing can trigger reactions regarding equality, diversity etc when they're completely off topic. The devranter to whom I answered made a bitter remark about OP treating women as sex objects,assuming he is a man. I answered that women also often view men as sexual objects. As often as men. And that there is nothing wrong with seeing others as sexual objects. Nor any reason to assume women are more "sexually pure" than men and they dare not make purely sexual thoughts about men. I fail to see anything related to diversity and equality. Women have the right to think however they want. And I can add that it would be sexist to the extreme to assume women are in any way more "innocent" than men. When women are attacked for being sexual , that is oppression. I hope I am clear about my thoughts.
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    @deusprogrammer @Teabagging4Life you said that women objectify men just as much as men do women.

    That’s bullshit.

    Women have to constantly work to be taken seriously. Whether they are very attractive or not so attractive.

    Go ahead and call me “triggered” for speaking the truth, bro. 😉👍🏻
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    @KimberlyTheGeek I fail to see how prevalent discrimination at work prevents women to view men as sexual objects. Like, if the OP was a woman fantasizing about making money and have a bunch of men by the pool for whatever sexual desires she has, that would be OK, but the other way around is not OK? Yes I will call you triggered, for you speak the truth, yet it still has nothing to do with that I wrote.
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    @deusprogrammer sister? Did you call her that just because she's a woman? 😫

    @PreyK 👌
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    @mzeffect oh shut the fuck up smart ass.
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    @mzeffect yes, I am triggered by assholes. It’s called respect, do you know what that means or do I have to explain it to your Neanderthal ass?
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    @deusprogrammer So you're a racist feminist now 😏
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    @KimberlyTheGeek Call others troll when you mess concepts up bro 😉 At least I would like you to answer me whether a woman fantasizing of money and men by the pool is OK or not. Cause if it is, then the other way around is also OK and the attack of deusprogrammer to OP was unfair. And that was all I wrote about in case you could not comprehend it.
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    @Teabagging4Life I don’t care for either frankly. I am certainly not one for double standards. I just hate it when someone’s goal is “I wanna bang two chicks”. It just makes it sound like he wants cum repositories and not people. I just find it demeaning.
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    @deusprogrammer It might be. I am not on that side either. But sexual objectification is often seen as a male on female thing, while it's actually both ways, and is thus judged in the wrong way as a sexist matter while it's universal and regards all genders and sexual preferences.
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    @Teabagging4Life I agree with you. Men aren’t spunk dispensers either.
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    @deusprogrammer nice one, have a sticker
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    @Teabagging4Life I’m not arguing about whether fantasizing about money is wrong.

    I’m arguing that your statement that women objectify men just as much as men do women is wrong.

    You can’t seem to argue logically, and instead are resorting to insults and condescension.

    You’re not gonna bring me down, darlin.
  • 1
    @KimberlyTheGeek Sexually objectifying is not equal to discriminating by sex. I will say my thoughts in the clearest way divinely possible. Many men can view women as sexual objects, in other words they may want nothing with some of them and no other relation as humans but have sex. It's a fact that happens very much . It's a fact they have the right to do it. Many women can view men as sexual objects ,in other words they may want nothing with some men and no other relation as humans but have sex with them. It's a fact that it happens very much, at the same rate as men (in other words, women are not romantic in a higher probability than men) . It's a fact that they have the right to do it. Replace the sexes as you wish in regards to any sexual orientation and the statement STILL holds true. NOWHERE in this statement exists a word about any matter regarding any form of discrimination. Now, I want you to clarify with what of these you disagree.I am positive my points are crystal clear.
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    @Teabagging4Life You can be as condescending as you wish, my dear. You cannot force me to agree with you.

    As I said before, I disagree that men are objectified as much as women. You believe it’s so.

    It’s clear we aren’t going to agree. Why are you still here?
  • 1
    @KimberlyTheGeek Right, because 50 shades of grey was not the “best selling book of all time”

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    @KimberlyTheGeek Oh that's a strange narrative, that women are not objectifying men as much as men do. Where would you hear that? Are women supposed to be more empathetic? Are women that objectify men, weird? Out of the normal? Because I see otherwise in real life. That would seem like a conservative fairy tail, that is to force women to behave and express themselves as more "innocent" than men, while there is no inherent difference between men and women.
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    @Teabagging4Life Dude. What is your deal. Obviously we see things differently.

    I’m not going to agree with you, no matter how much of a jerk you are. Let it lie.
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    @KimberlyTheGeek I should have asked what your deal is when you first rudely attacked me on my first comment. You take what you give. When you address someone so rudely, you should at least have the dignity to drag it to the end until you prove your point. But these sexist views of yours against women are not gonna change, so indeed having an argument with you is pointless.
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    Entertainment for days: Tell a bro with a name like @Teabagging4Life that you don’t agree with him and watch him lose his shit.
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    @KimberlyTheGeek Nice to meet you. Sorry for my comments creating to you the urge to respond
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    Now I like this dude 😂@Teabagging4Life
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    Wow what's happening here. I'm in a wrong place to relax 😯
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    * grabs popcorn and sits with the rest of the audience *
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    That are my goals for 2025
  • 0
    It's great that you have clear goals, like finishing your game, securing a publisher, and building wealth—ambitious and exciting! As for buying a big house with a pool, that sounds like a fantastic dream. Speaking of pools, if you're considering a pool for your future home, you might want to check out Zodiac Pool Systems reviews https://zodiac-pool-systems.pissedconsumer.com/.... They've got great reviews, and it could be helpful when planning your dream space! Keep pushing towards those goals!
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